Friday, May 27, 2011

The 1st Masturbation Biography

I have been getting a lot of emails from you guys. You are saying you like the blog. The other day I received an email from a reader telling me the history of his mutual masturbation with other men:

 I am Mike and I am a 35 year old guy living in Ohio. I have been doing same sex mutual masturbation since I was very young and I have enjoyed it every time.Over the years I found myself wanting to do it more and more. I used to talk with my guy friends and would listen to things they would say so I could find out if they were open to the idea. I loved when I was able to talk them into doing it with me. I used to love when I would stay the night at one of my good friends house because we always would stay in the pop up camper in his back yard and we would jack one another over and over, I loved stroking him as he had a huge penis even though we were very young. I ended up finding out that I was bisexual through same sex mutual masturbation.I used to get so turned on by stroking with my friends I decided I wanted to try and taste one. I have loved doing it ever since. I love your blog,a roll call would be nice,maybe allowing us all to find others into mutual masturbation or even starting a group. I would be very interested. I hope to see my story and hope to hear from you. Take care ...Mike

Thanks, Mike. I not sure what a roll call is,but several readers have emailed me about starting groups. If anyone is interested in finding jack off partners, I will post an ad for you on The Snake Charmer's Guide. Then, you will be able to find men who want to join you in your area. Contact at my email address

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