Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I have received some questions from a couple of readers. I am going to try and answer as many of them as I can. HornyDude writes:

I am gay and very happily partnered for 5 years.  I would never cheat on him, at least, nothing I consider cheating.  What I will do is jerk off with other guys.  I will even cum on another guy.  Is that a contradiction?  Am I being unfaithful?  I hope not.  I would never do anything that I thought would bring home any STDs or kiss another guy because that seems like emotional infidelity - much worse than stroking another dude's cock.

My response:

Tough question, I don't know if contradiction is a good word to use here. When talking about relationships, whether it be a heterosexual or a homosexual couple, trust and faithfulness can always be a major issue. I feel that when two people enter a relationship they are making an agreement. If you do anything that is not mutually agreed upon beforehand, then it is cheating. When you are about to make the decision to have a sexual partner outside of your relationship, I think you have to ask yourself a few questions.   If I told my partner this, how would they react? Would they be angry? How would you feel if your partner was involved in a similar situation?  Do you plan on keeping this from your partner? If you are why do you plan on keeping this from them? The answer is, you think something is wrong with what you are doing. Usually if you have to think about if something is cheating, it probably is. If these events ever come to light, the relationship may continue, but trust issues will arise. Once trust is broken, a relationship can be damaged beyond repair.

Always Think Before You Act, and Good Luck,
Ray Noodles

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