Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Check it Out

 I was doing some upkeep on The Snake Charmer's Guide when I noticed that another blog had set up a link from their site  to this blog. I was completely taken aback. I am a new blogger, and the Guide is just in its beginning. It is truly flattering. After discovering this blog recommending us,
I was curious about it. I went to check it out. The name of the blog, is Porn Masturbation. Like the Guide, it was recently launched, but has a few months under its belt.  It features pictures of sexy women. There is no information about the author. I was disappointed, because I wanted to talk to them, thank them at least. Since they have done me a favor, and given me some publicity, I will do the same for them. Check it out at

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of your blog,i think alot of people would be alot happier with mutual masturbation.I have enjoyed same sex masturbation since I was very young and i still do.I would consider myself bi as i have found through mutual same sex masturbation that I enjoy mutual oral with other guys as well.I will be watching the blog very closely.Feel free to email me any time you like to
